Have Questions......

How much is the membership?

All our programmes are bespoke and selected based on your individual goals and needs. Prices and options will be discussed after the consultation as we are only able to recommend a suitable package after seeing your body scan and learning more about what you would like to achieve for yourself.

I have kids. I may struggle with childcare?

We have an extensive timetable of flexible group sessions catered to allow busy parents like yourself to work their fitness routine into their lifestyle. If you get stuck, you can bring your little ones with you to wait in the waiting area, our gym is not open for the public like commercial gyms and perfectly safe.

I feel really unfit, out of shape and worried I’ll not be able to keep up; is this really for me?

We are a transformation studio and we specialise in helping people with little to no fitness background into getting fit and in shape.

In big corporate gyms you will be just a number and you will receive no support but thats not how we do things at Re-Shape. You will receive all the help you need to get you started and keep you going.

How much is the membership?

All our programmes are bespoke and selected based on your individual goals and needs. Prices and options will be discussed after the consultation as we are only able to recommend a suitable package after seeing your body scan and learning more about what you would like to achieve for yourself.

I'm a very busy person, Will the sessions fit around my lifestyle?

We can be very flexible to fit around your family/work commitments but you will also need to change your priorities to make time to achieve your fitness goals. Our sessions range from 30 to 60 mins, 7 days a week and between daytime and evenings.

I’m worried I wont be able to follow the food plan. Is it easy to follow?

Your meal plan will be personally designed for you by a nutritionist. All your challenges, likes and dislikes will be taken in consideration when designing the plan and therefore it will be much easier to follow than a generic plan you might get online or by a personal trainer.

I have kids. I may struggle with childcare?

We have an extensive timetable of flexible group sessions designed to fit busy parents' schedules. If needed, you can bring your little ones along; our gym is not open to the public like commercial gyms, so it’s perfectly safe. Plus, we have a dedicated playroom for kids to keep them entertained while you work out.

I'm feel nervous as the sessions look really hard online. Will I be able to do the workouts?

Our sessions are challenging as they are designed to get results. But they are also very adaptable to all fitness levels and starting points. The truth is, you are going to need to push yourself and work hard for your goals but as a results of this you will feel way fitter after a short 2-3 weeks from starting your programme.